As a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) we are a fiduciary, we represent only the interests of our clients, we do not sell any products, or obtain any commissions from third parties such as mutual funds, annuities, or insurance companies. A fiduciary has a legal and ethical duty to act in the client’s best interest and in good faith and trust.

According to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), which regulates Registered Investment Advisors, the fiduciary duty also entails:

  • Acting with undivided loyalty and utmost good faith
  • Providing full and fair disclosure of all material facts, defined as those which "a reasonable investor would consider to be important"
  • Not misleading clients
  • Avoiding conflicts of interest (such as when the advisor profits more if a client uses one investment instead of another or trades frequently) and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest
  • Not using a client's assets for the advisor's own benefit or the benefit of other clients

Summit Investments LLC is a Vermont Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) and has a fiduciary duty to their clients. Summit is registered with Vermont Department of Financial Regulations.